1) Progressive-Дэс дараалсан
2) Reliable-Найдвартай, итгэлтэй
3) Feature-Онцлог, гол чухал, шинж чанар, үзүүлэлт арга
4) Constrain-шахах, албадах, шаардах
5) Relay-реле, радио релений шугам, дахин дамжуулах, нэвтрүүлэх
6) Wired-Утастай, утсан
7) Inflexibility-уян хатан биш, хөшүүн, мэдрэмжгүй
8) Maintain-байлгах, хадгалах, арчилах, тордох, ашиглах, сахих, барих
9) Departure-гарах,өөрчлөлт, ялгаа
10) Rigid-хатуу, хөшүүн, нугардаггүй, чанд, тууштай
11) Requirement-шаардлага, хэрэгцээ, тавих болзол, эрэлт, хэрэгцээ
12) Interoperability-хамтран ажиллах боломж, харилцан үйлдэлцэх чадвар
13) Existing-одоогийн, байгаа байдал, оршиж буй
14) Preserver-хамгаалах хэрэгсэл
15) Invest-хөрөнгө оруулах
16) Crude-нойтон, түүхий, боловсроогүй, дутуу, гүйцээгээгүй, бүдүүлэг
17) Launch-өрнөх, оруулах, асаах, хөөргөх
18) Transition-шилжилт, өөрчлөлт
19) Agreement-зөвшөөрөл, зөвшилцөл, гэрээ, хэлэлцээр
20) Spectrum-спектр, зурвас
21) Ineffective-хүчингүй, үр дүнгүй, үр ашиггүй, чадваргүй
22) Degree-зэрэг, градус, дэс дараа, түвшин, хэм, зэрэглэл, эрэмбэ, цол
23) Respectively-тус тусгаар,тус тусын, нэрлэсэн дарааллаар
24) Result- үр дүн, үр дагавар, нийлбэр, дүн
25) Devise-хэрэгсэл, бйагууламж, төхөөрөмж багаж, бүрдэл хэсэг, элемент
26) Mutual-харилцааны, хамтын, хоорондын, дундын, харилцан
27) Incompatible-үл нийцсэн, нийцэхгүй, таарахгүй,
28) Derived-гарал үүсэл, үүсмэл, гаргаж авах
29) Replace-сольж тавих, орлуулах, эргүүлж авах, дүүргэх, нөхөн сэргээх
30) Hierarchies-шатлал, зиндаа, эрэмбэ, шаталсан
31) Remain-үлдэгдэл, үхдэл
32) Consultative-зөвлөлдөх
33) Committee-хороо, байгууллага
34) Evolve-хөгжих дэлгэрэх, өрнүүлэх, гаргах, ялгаруулах
35) Modernization-шинэчлэл орчин үеийн болголт, сайжруулалт,
36) Guidelines-удирдамж
37) Recommend-сайшаасан санал өгөх, зөвлөх, санал болгох, дэвшүүлэх
38) Primitive-суурь элемент, энгийн хөдөлгөөн, үндсэн
39) Costly-
40) Downlink-газардуулга
41) Solid-хагас дамжуулагч
42) Aligned-тохируулах , зэрэгцэх
43) equipment-тоног төхөөрөмж
44) assigned-хувиарлах, шилжүүлэх
45) gain-өсгөх ,өсгөх коэффицент
46) Amplifier-дуу чимээг өсгөх
47) receiver-хүлээн авагч
48) throughput-нэвтрүүлэх чадамж
49) depending-шаардагдах
50) operational-үйл ажиллагааны, шуурхай ажлын
51) illustrates-харуулах, дүрслэх, үзүүлэх
52) packetbased-багцад суурьлсан
53) concepts-санал бодол
54) requirements-шаардлага хэрэгцээ
55) foremost-тэргүүний, үндсэн гол чухал
56) negotiate-хэлэлцэх, тохиролцох
57) Circuit switched-уламжлалт холболт
58) Carrier-зөөгч
59) Layer-давхарга, түвшин
60) scope-цар хүрээ
61) Foresee-урьдаас мэдэх
62) Exception-үгүйсгэл, хасалт
63) Transfers-шилжүүлэг, зөөвөр, зөөх,
64) Huge-лут, том, аварга
65) Mature-боловсорсон, гүйцсэн, бойжсон,
66) Irrelevant-саваагүй, хамаагүй, үл нийцсэн,
67) Deficiencies-дутагдал, хомсдол, хүрэлцээгүй, дутуу
68) Hamper-садааруулах, хүндрүүлэх, бэрхшээлтэй болгох,
69) Multiple-олон дахин, олон тооны, хуваагдах, нийлмэл,
70) Customer-харилцагч, хэрэглэгч
71) Premise-угтвар нөхцөл
72) Copper-зэс
73) Pairs-хос, ээлж
74) Breach-сэтэрхий, зөрчих, тасрах
75) Bring-авч ирэх
76) Vendors-борлуулагч, худалдагч
77) Separate-салгах, тусгаарлах
78) Treatment-боловсруулалт, засал
79) Depend-хамаарах, шалтгаалах
80) Fulfill-биелүүлэх, гүйцэтгэх
81) Potential-чадавхи
82) Promotion-дэмжих, дэмжлэг
83) Proprietary-эзэмшигч
84) Desirable-тустай, хэрэгтэй
85) Acronym-товчилсон
86) Innovations-шинэчлэлт
87) Replace-сольж тавих, орлуулах
88) Incentive-өдөөгч
89) Least-хамгийн бага
90) Bearer-өргөн зурвасын суваг
91) Bandwidth-зурвасын өргөн, даьтамжийн цараа
92) Adapter-дамжлага хэрэгсэл, тохируулагч
93) Including-үүнд, түүний дотор
94) Tandem-транзит, синхрон цуваа
95) Configuration-бүтэц, бүрдэл
96) Contiguous-зэргэлдээ, дэс дараалсан
97) Quantity-хэмжээ, хэмжиглэхүүн
98) Direct-шууд,
99) Encode-кодлох, дугаарлах
100) Development-ололт,дээшлүүлэлт,сайжруулах
101) Essiantial-үндсэн, гол чухал
102) Illustrates-харуулах, дүрслэх, үзүүлэх
103) Assumption – төсөөлөл, таамаглал
104) Pathway – гол зам, маршрут, чиглүүлэгч
105) Various-олон төрлийн, ялгаатай
106) Satisfactory-хангалттай, шаардлага хангасан
107) Per-нэг бүрээс
108) Relocation-шилжүүлэн байрлуулалт
109) Wideband-өргөн зурвас
110) Supply-цахилгаан тэжээл, хангамж, нөөц
111) Complete-төгс, дуусах, бүрэн хаах
112) Offset-шилжүүлэх, зөрөө, алдаа гарах шилжилт
113) Common-ерөнхий, нийтийн, нийгмийн, жийрийн, хамтын
114) Compose-эмхлэх, зохион бичих, зохиох,найруулах, эвлүүлэх
115) Compressed-нягтруулагдсан, шахах
Thursday, December 16, 2010
I am very interested in applying for the Telecommunication Engineering and in particular the track Transportation and Planning. I believe my educational background would enable me to make a strong contribution at the University. I mention that I will graduate in year 2011 from a Double Degree Programme between the University .., Mongolia and the University get two master degrees in:
- Telecommunication Engineering from the University school of SICT•
- Radiocommunication Engineering
In my opinion every person must has their own purpose and ideas also the most important one is future plan. I am always agree there If anyone wanna to be satisfy for her or his life and work all of things, they must has their own very strong wish and diligence. I try to be diligent for my own all thing , for example in my school and at my own mind.
I think so the first aim of mine is graduate my school very successfully and I really want to take possession of my profession and all kind of skills. For term of my university during four years the most important responsibility is must learn very well and have to be good student, for this reason I am studying at my university. I always proud of my university and I think so I am really one of the lucky student because my profession is very useful, with future prospects, important , lead of development, the nicest profession I think so… So my studying university is the best university at my hometown.
Our school has really big and true system of study and the best engineers and teachers all teaching at my school so I am happy and I have to study very well from them. If I want to be good telecommunication engineer I need to study well, Studying well is first step and begin my life because How I am studying now it will describe my next steps and my life. If I can take possess good English and other language speaking, writing, listening, read , of course also my profession skills I can get my purpose and future plan. For that reason I am trying and trying…
At future I want to be good skilled engineer for my position so I really wanna to build my life for my own hand, then I hope that I will be perfect at my position. Last one is I really want to do good and new things for my native land Mongolia. There is too many good engineers in Mongolia, they did too much new and wonderful s. Telecommunication is developing very fast now. There are many developed nations in the world for example Japan, USA, Germany, Holland etc… The first one is Japan so my dream is develop my country just like Japan. My dreams come true at future, I hope that…
Because of my one of big dream is studying as my profession in Japan and will study there many adventure so do the best in Mongolia. We are living in one world all people need to learn from each others if I wanna to learn from others I need good skill for understanding in other hand I need good English first because English is an international language then I am learning English also Japanese. I think that I can learn, I have to learn both of them. Language skill is the most necessary indices of specialist telecommunication engineer. If anyone has good skills for language, profession, character, skills work with group he or she can get good position their company or organization. There is a phrase –If you can try you can get everywhere…I agree that phrase cause my is , my future cares from me. So I have good skilled engineer I can do good, nice job. If I will satisfy for my job and I will do what am I want to do work , I will enough salary and kife from my job. If I could be perfect at my job, salary is no problem I think so.
Now is modern, global, free century I am living… maybe every person wants to work in company with comfortable, friendly, has good salary. But it cares from them , in my opinion.
We are in the fast paced world. Our country has changed a lot in recent years. So many big buildings were built and there are plenty of cellular telecommunication operators (i.e. Mobicom, Skytel, G-Mobile and Unitel) and Internet Service providers in Mongolia. Do not get it so offensive. But some kind of jobs like lawyer and jurist are not that useful in Mongolia’s community and outbalanced profession. There are massive numbers of lawyers, but they cannot work on the field that they want. They were supposed to be lawyer, but many of them were become non-professional jobs such as salesman etc. Engineering is most wanted major in our country. So we have the big opportunity and most chance to get a successful well-paid job. This is the main advantage of being engineer of telecommunication. I heard that 70% of students from our university gets job in their field. Therefore, It is obvious that I am going to get a job in Mongolian leading telecommunication and cellular communication companies.
Of course, It requires us plenty of knowledge and skills. We are learning fundamental knowledge of our major. And we’re gaining some experiences in laboratory and practice in service providers.
Among those skills are math, computer, learning, reading and language. On the job, technicians use basic math for such purposes as ordering materials. Algebraic concepts will be useful primarily as background our job, and it will help us to understand the equipment that we work on. Computer skills need to be learnt. In the work place, it is obvious that we will use computerized equipment accessed by keyboard. On the job, computer will be essentially needed to troubleshooting and record keeping. Telecommunication engineers’ logical thinking skills must be good. We must be able to distinguish color-coded wires, cable and circuit packs. Learning skills are also include observational skills. These skills are used to recognize damaged components and problem-solving skills are at the core of the troubleshooting processes such as identifying the problem, determining possible causes, and making necessary repairs. Reading skills are used to read trade journals and technical manuals for installing, programming, and maintaining telecommunications equipment. Our major field is rapidly changing day to day. To keep current in this rapidly changing field after graduation, we can expect to read technical updates in journals and manuals. Of course, the most important skill that we need to gain is language (especially English ). In the work place, technicians will interact with coworkers and may also have customer contract.
I am working hard to develop these skills mentioned above. Because, I want to be skilled telecommunication engineer who provides my country’s network by latest technologies that used by biggest countries in the world like U.S.A, Japan etc. I am going to graduate my university and I can guarantee you that I can be professional engineer. Because I am studying at School of Information and Communication Technology of MUST.
- Telecommunication Engineering from the University school of SICT•
- Radiocommunication Engineering
In my opinion every person must has their own purpose and ideas also the most important one is future plan. I am always agree there If anyone wanna to be satisfy for her or his life and work all of things, they must has their own very strong wish and diligence. I try to be diligent for my own all thing , for example in my school and at my own mind.
I think so the first aim of mine is graduate my school very successfully and I really want to take possession of my profession and all kind of skills. For term of my university during four years the most important responsibility is must learn very well and have to be good student, for this reason I am studying at my university. I always proud of my university and I think so I am really one of the lucky student because my profession is very useful, with future prospects, important , lead of development, the nicest profession I think so… So my studying university is the best university at my hometown.
Our school has really big and true system of study and the best engineers and teachers all teaching at my school so I am happy and I have to study very well from them. If I want to be good telecommunication engineer I need to study well, Studying well is first step and begin my life because How I am studying now it will describe my next steps and my life. If I can take possess good English and other language speaking, writing, listening, read , of course also my profession skills I can get my purpose and future plan. For that reason I am trying and trying…
At future I want to be good skilled engineer for my position so I really wanna to build my life for my own hand, then I hope that I will be perfect at my position. Last one is I really want to do good and new things for my native land Mongolia. There is too many good engineers in Mongolia, they did too much new and wonderful s. Telecommunication is developing very fast now. There are many developed nations in the world for example Japan, USA, Germany, Holland etc… The first one is Japan so my dream is develop my country just like Japan. My dreams come true at future, I hope that…
Because of my one of big dream is studying as my profession in Japan and will study there many adventure so do the best in Mongolia. We are living in one world all people need to learn from each others if I wanna to learn from others I need good skill for understanding in other hand I need good English first because English is an international language then I am learning English also Japanese. I think that I can learn, I have to learn both of them. Language skill is the most necessary indices of specialist telecommunication engineer. If anyone has good skills for language, profession, character, skills work with group he or she can get good position their company or organization. There is a phrase –If you can try you can get everywhere…I agree that phrase cause my is , my future cares from me. So I have good skilled engineer I can do good, nice job. If I will satisfy for my job and I will do what am I want to do work , I will enough salary and kife from my job. If I could be perfect at my job, salary is no problem I think so.
Now is modern, global, free century I am living… maybe every person wants to work in company with comfortable, friendly, has good salary. But it cares from them , in my opinion.
We are in the fast paced world. Our country has changed a lot in recent years. So many big buildings were built and there are plenty of cellular telecommunication operators (i.e. Mobicom, Skytel, G-Mobile and Unitel) and Internet Service providers in Mongolia. Do not get it so offensive. But some kind of jobs like lawyer and jurist are not that useful in Mongolia’s community and outbalanced profession. There are massive numbers of lawyers, but they cannot work on the field that they want. They were supposed to be lawyer, but many of them were become non-professional jobs such as salesman etc. Engineering is most wanted major in our country. So we have the big opportunity and most chance to get a successful well-paid job. This is the main advantage of being engineer of telecommunication. I heard that 70% of students from our university gets job in their field. Therefore, It is obvious that I am going to get a job in Mongolian leading telecommunication and cellular communication companies.
Of course, It requires us plenty of knowledge and skills. We are learning fundamental knowledge of our major. And we’re gaining some experiences in laboratory and practice in service providers.
Among those skills are math, computer, learning, reading and language. On the job, technicians use basic math for such purposes as ordering materials. Algebraic concepts will be useful primarily as background our job, and it will help us to understand the equipment that we work on. Computer skills need to be learnt. In the work place, it is obvious that we will use computerized equipment accessed by keyboard. On the job, computer will be essentially needed to troubleshooting and record keeping. Telecommunication engineers’ logical thinking skills must be good. We must be able to distinguish color-coded wires, cable and circuit packs. Learning skills are also include observational skills. These skills are used to recognize damaged components and problem-solving skills are at the core of the troubleshooting processes such as identifying the problem, determining possible causes, and making necessary repairs. Reading skills are used to read trade journals and technical manuals for installing, programming, and maintaining telecommunications equipment. Our major field is rapidly changing day to day. To keep current in this rapidly changing field after graduation, we can expect to read technical updates in journals and manuals. Of course, the most important skill that we need to gain is language (especially English ). In the work place, technicians will interact with coworkers and may also have customer contract.
I am working hard to develop these skills mentioned above. Because, I want to be skilled telecommunication engineer who provides my country’s network by latest technologies that used by biggest countries in the world like U.S.A, Japan etc. I am going to graduate my university and I can guarantee you that I can be professional engineer. Because I am studying at School of Information and Communication Technology of MUST.
1. First, I see the text
2. I see the title
3. skimming the text
4. I see the how mach paragraphs
5. I read this paragraphs
6. I strive to know the cause
7. I more than more the text
8. I translate new words
9. I write the new words
10. I read the text again
11. I strive to know the key note
12. I read the text again
13. I strive to know the paragraphs key note
14. I read the text
15. I understand this text
2. I see the title
3. skimming the text
4. I see the how mach paragraphs
5. I read this paragraphs
6. I strive to know the cause
7. I more than more the text
8. I translate new words
9. I write the new words
10. I read the text again
11. I strive to know the key note
12. I read the text again
13. I strive to know the paragraphs key note
14. I read the text
15. I understand this text
Cover letter
Director of company
UB city, Mongolia
Sukhbaatar district
Dear Bolor:
If your organization skilled and experienced telecommunication engineer, I would appreciate the opportunity to discuss your needs and objective with you .I want to enter your company. I graduated from Information and Communication University and GPA 2.8.I am telecommunication engineer. So I am thinking work along the own job. I can develop my professional horizons by seeking new challenges communication system.
In review of your company’s purposes and I am interested your carrier. Futhermore I believe that my experience is perfect with your current requirements. I am able to innovative ideas that take modern communication technology and contribution advances and shift in the company.
I would like collaborate your collective. I’m honesty and self- confident. Therefore I will lead and efficiency work with colleagues. I feel that personal interview is better and will demonstrate my knowledge and abilities. You trust me to my capacity for work. Thank you for your consideration. I looking forward speaking with you soon
Director of company
UB city, Mongolia
Sukhbaatar district
Dear Bolor:
If your organization skilled and experienced telecommunication engineer, I would appreciate the opportunity to discuss your needs and objective with you .I want to enter your company. I graduated from Information and Communication University and GPA 2.8.I am telecommunication engineer. So I am thinking work along the own job. I can develop my professional horizons by seeking new challenges communication system.
In review of your company’s purposes and I am interested your carrier. Futhermore I believe that my experience is perfect with your current requirements. I am able to innovative ideas that take modern communication technology and contribution advances and shift in the company.
I would like collaborate your collective. I’m honesty and self- confident. Therefore I will lead and efficiency work with colleagues. I feel that personal interview is better and will demonstrate my knowledge and abilities. You trust me to my capacity for work. Thank you for your consideration. I looking forward speaking with you soon
Reference letter
Munkhnasan Tumen
Information and Communication University, MUST
Apt 201-3, Bayangol district,
Post box-325, Post office UB-21,
Ulaaanbaatar, Mongolia, 01976
To: ‘’Unitel’’ company
I confirm that I have known Munkhnasan for 3 years. Throughout years of I have seen many advantages of her. She was responsible for our lesson including attend to duty for keep moment.
Munkhnasan has excellent communication skills. She is extremely organized, reliable and willing to do on project that is assigned her. In addition she can work independently. She would be tremendous asset for your company.
She is able to follow through ensure. In characters, she is peaceful, dependable and courteous. She also experience in communication system and developed CPE (Central Processing Environment).
In conclusion, Munkhnasan has my high recommendation. She is good selection. If you have any further question with regard to her background or qualifications, please don’t hesitate to call me.
I’m happy to provide further information if required.
Information and Communication University, MUST
Apt 201-3, Bayangol district,
Post box-325, Post office UB-21,
Ulaaanbaatar, Mongolia, 01976
To: ‘’Unitel’’ company
I confirm that I have known Munkhnasan for 3 years. Throughout years of I have seen many advantages of her. She was responsible for our lesson including attend to duty for keep moment.
Munkhnasan has excellent communication skills. She is extremely organized, reliable and willing to do on project that is assigned her. In addition she can work independently. She would be tremendous asset for your company.
She is able to follow through ensure. In characters, she is peaceful, dependable and courteous. She also experience in communication system and developed CPE (Central Processing Environment).
In conclusion, Munkhnasan has my high recommendation. She is good selection. If you have any further question with regard to her background or qualifications, please don’t hesitate to call me.
I’m happy to provide further information if required.
1. What are your long-range goals and objectives?
My short-range goals are study well, know about professional all things and become speak English well.
2. What are your short-range goals and objectives?
My long-range goals are I will best engineer, have good life and wanted to be develop communication system. For this reason I always study about our job’s things.
3. In what ways do you think you can make a contribution to our organization?
I will invent new technology.
4. What have you learned from participation in extra-curricular activities?
I learned for joined work with colleagues. Also I know English conversation.
5. How do you determine or evaluate success?
Everyone can reach the top, just day must do what they can and always try to develop.
Just like this, I will reach the peak.
6. How do you plan to achieve your career goals?
I plan to modern technology so I let go past in our career.
7. What makes a job enjoyable for you?
It always renew at each time so I like my job.
8. Why did you decide to seek a position with this communication organization?
I want to begin my first job whit new technology and in big company.
9. What two or three things would be most important to you in your job?
First of all it is very interesting job. Secondly it is demand job. Finely it has high salary.
10. What do you know about the job?
My job connects all people which each other.
11. How important is communication and interaction with others on your job?
It’s most important on my job. Company has many employers and costumers. So I have to good communicate with people. Also most people sum up person for communication and interaction.
12. Do you prefer to work by yourself or with others?
I prefer to work with others. Because I work with other people, we can do anything and which problem is decided truly ways.
My short-range goals are study well, know about professional all things and become speak English well.
2. What are your short-range goals and objectives?
My long-range goals are I will best engineer, have good life and wanted to be develop communication system. For this reason I always study about our job’s things.
3. In what ways do you think you can make a contribution to our organization?
I will invent new technology.
4. What have you learned from participation in extra-curricular activities?
I learned for joined work with colleagues. Also I know English conversation.
5. How do you determine or evaluate success?
Everyone can reach the top, just day must do what they can and always try to develop.
Just like this, I will reach the peak.
6. How do you plan to achieve your career goals?
I plan to modern technology so I let go past in our career.
7. What makes a job enjoyable for you?
It always renew at each time so I like my job.
8. Why did you decide to seek a position with this communication organization?
I want to begin my first job whit new technology and in big company.
9. What two or three things would be most important to you in your job?
First of all it is very interesting job. Secondly it is demand job. Finely it has high salary.
10. What do you know about the job?
My job connects all people which each other.
11. How important is communication and interaction with others on your job?
It’s most important on my job. Company has many employers and costumers. So I have to good communicate with people. Also most people sum up person for communication and interaction.
12. Do you prefer to work by yourself or with others?
I prefer to work with others. Because I work with other people, we can do anything and which problem is decided truly ways.
During my last summer vacation I visited Moscow. Moscow has a lot of people and many nice building too. the most interesting thing in Moscow was zoo. I was very surprized that there were mongolia camel and also an elephant. It took about 3 hours to see the whole zoo. So I was so tired. I didn't like the food because Russians usually eat vegetables. Metro was also interesting too. I'm very happy that I traveled around the Russia.
Last year I went to Gobi-Altai. Gobi-Altai is rich with its mining minerals. There is a mountain called "Eej khairhan". And there are a lot of animal shaped rocks around that mountain. Gobi-Altai has both woods and sands too. In Gobi-Altai are many rare species animals like wild camel (Khavtgai). I really liked camel milk. camel milk is used for health.
This year I'm going to visit Bayankhongor province. I heard that there is a spa called Shargaljuut.It's a very interesting spa cause I heard that the both cold and hot spa come out of one hole. And there are a lot of rocks that used for medical treatment for example there is a heart shaped rock and the spa comes out from it. People say that it's good for heart. the most interesting thing is there is a rock chair and if women sit on it their stomach will be treated.
Last year I went to Gobi-Altai. Gobi-Altai is rich with its mining minerals. There is a mountain called "Eej khairhan". And there are a lot of animal shaped rocks around that mountain. Gobi-Altai has both woods and sands too. In Gobi-Altai are many rare species animals like wild camel (Khavtgai). I really liked camel milk. camel milk is used for health.
This year I'm going to visit Bayankhongor province. I heard that there is a spa called Shargaljuut.It's a very interesting spa cause I heard that the both cold and hot spa come out of one hole. And there are a lot of rocks that used for medical treatment for example there is a heart shaped rock and the spa comes out from it. People say that it's good for heart. the most interesting thing is there is a rock chair and if women sit on it their stomach will be treated.
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