Movie Plot:
The film is set 20 years after the first film, in June 2008 before the Wall Street stock market crash and federal bail out, and takes place throughout the aftermath of the stock market crash. Gordon Gekko (Michael Douglas) has just been released from his prison sentence of 20 years. Despite initial attempts of Gekko trying to warn Wall Street of the soon-to-be economy down-fall, stock market crash no one believes him due to his now defaced image in the financial world. Gekko then decided to re-focus his attention to rebuilding a relationship with his now-estranged daughter Winnie (Carey Mulligan). Due to the time apart (because of his prison sentence), and the fact that Gekko is blamed for his son Rudy’s suicide, Winnie avoids any contact with him. During this same period in time, young Wall Street trader Jacob’s (Shia LaBeouf) mentor unexpectedly dies (Frank Langella), and Jacob suspects his hedge fund manager (Josh Brolin) of being involved in his mentor’s death. Jacob, who is Winnie’s fiance, wants to seek revenge, and agrees to team-up with Gekko for help; in return Jacob agrees to helps Gekko repair his relationship with Winnie
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