Thursday, December 16, 2010

new words

1) Progressive-Дэс дараалсан
2) Reliable-Найдвартай, итгэлтэй
3) Feature-Онцлог, гол чухал, шинж чанар, үзүүлэлт арга
4) Constrain-шахах, албадах, шаардах
5) Relay-реле, радио релений шугам, дахин дамжуулах, нэвтрүүлэх
6) Wired-Утастай, утсан
7) Inflexibility-уян хатан биш, хөшүүн, мэдрэмжгүй
8) Maintain-байлгах, хадгалах, арчилах, тордох, ашиглах, сахих, барих
9) Departure-гарах,өөрчлөлт, ялгаа
10) Rigid-хатуу, хөшүүн, нугардаггүй, чанд, тууштай
11) Requirement-шаардлага, хэрэгцээ, тавих болзол, эрэлт, хэрэгцээ
12) Interoperability-хамтран ажиллах боломж, харилцан үйлдэлцэх чадвар
13) Existing-одоогийн, байгаа байдал, оршиж буй
14) Preserver-хамгаалах хэрэгсэл
15) Invest-хөрөнгө оруулах
16) Crude-нойтон, түүхий, боловсроогүй, дутуу, гүйцээгээгүй, бүдүүлэг
17) Launch-өрнөх, оруулах, асаах, хөөргөх
18) Transition-шилжилт, өөрчлөлт
19) Agreement-зөвшөөрөл, зөвшилцөл, гэрээ, хэлэлцээр
20) Spectrum-спектр, зурвас
21) Ineffective-хүчингүй, үр дүнгүй, үр ашиггүй, чадваргүй
22) Degree-зэрэг, градус, дэс дараа, түвшин, хэм, зэрэглэл, эрэмбэ, цол
23) Respectively-тус тусгаар,тус тусын, нэрлэсэн дарааллаар
24) Result- үр дүн, үр дагавар, нийлбэр, дүн
25) Devise-хэрэгсэл, бйагууламж, төхөөрөмж багаж, бүрдэл хэсэг, элемент
26) Mutual-харилцааны, хамтын, хоорондын, дундын, харилцан
27) Incompatible-үл нийцсэн, нийцэхгүй, таарахгүй,
28) Derived-гарал үүсэл, үүсмэл, гаргаж авах
29) Replace-сольж тавих, орлуулах, эргүүлж авах, дүүргэх, нөхөн сэргээх
30) Hierarchies-шатлал, зиндаа, эрэмбэ, шаталсан
31) Remain-үлдэгдэл, үхдэл
32) Consultative-зөвлөлдөх
33) Committee-хороо, байгууллага
34) Evolve-хөгжих дэлгэрэх, өрнүүлэх, гаргах, ялгаруулах
35) Modernization-шинэчлэл орчин үеийн болголт, сайжруулалт,
36) Guidelines-удирдамж
37) Recommend-сайшаасан санал өгөх, зөвлөх, санал болгох, дэвшүүлэх
38) Primitive-суурь элемент, энгийн хөдөлгөөн, үндсэн
39) Costly-
40) Downlink-газардуулга
41) Solid-хагас дамжуулагч
42) Aligned-тохируулах , зэрэгцэх
43) equipment-тоног төхөөрөмж
44) assigned-хувиарлах, шилжүүлэх
45) gain-өсгөх ,өсгөх коэффицент
46) Amplifier-дуу чимээг өсгөх
47) receiver-хүлээн авагч
48) throughput-нэвтрүүлэх чадамж
49) depending-шаардагдах
50) operational-үйл ажиллагааны, шуурхай ажлын
51) illustrates-харуулах, дүрслэх, үзүүлэх
52) packetbased-багцад суурьлсан
53) concepts-санал бодол
54) requirements-шаардлага хэрэгцээ
55) foremost-тэргүүний, үндсэн гол чухал
56) negotiate-хэлэлцэх, тохиролцох
57) Circuit switched-уламжлалт холболт
58) Carrier-зөөгч
59) Layer-давхарга, түвшин
60) scope-цар хүрээ
61) Foresee-урьдаас мэдэх
62) Exception-үгүйсгэл, хасалт
63) Transfers-шилжүүлэг, зөөвөр, зөөх,
64) Huge-лут, том, аварга
65) Mature-боловсорсон, гүйцсэн, бойжсон,
66) Irrelevant-саваагүй, хамаагүй, үл нийцсэн,
67) Deficiencies-дутагдал, хомсдол, хүрэлцээгүй, дутуу
68) Hamper-садааруулах, хүндрүүлэх, бэрхшээлтэй болгох,
69) Multiple-олон дахин, олон тооны, хуваагдах, нийлмэл,
70) Customer-харилцагч, хэрэглэгч
71) Premise-угтвар нөхцөл
72) Copper-зэс
73) Pairs-хос, ээлж
74) Breach-сэтэрхий, зөрчих, тасрах
75) Bring-авч ирэх
76) Vendors-борлуулагч, худалдагч
77) Separate-салгах, тусгаарлах
78) Treatment-боловсруулалт, засал
79) Depend-хамаарах, шалтгаалах
80) Fulfill-биелүүлэх, гүйцэтгэх
81) Potential-чадавхи
82) Promotion-дэмжих, дэмжлэг
83) Proprietary-эзэмшигч
84) Desirable-тустай, хэрэгтэй
85) Acronym-товчилсон
86) Innovations-шинэчлэлт
87) Replace-сольж тавих, орлуулах
88) Incentive-өдөөгч
89) Least-хамгийн бага
90) Bearer-өргөн зурвасын суваг
91) Bandwidth-зурвасын өргөн, даьтамжийн цараа
92) Adapter-дамжлага хэрэгсэл, тохируулагч
93) Including-үүнд, түүний дотор
94) Tandem-транзит, синхрон цуваа
95) Configuration-бүтэц, бүрдэл
96) Contiguous-зэргэлдээ, дэс дараалсан
97) Quantity-хэмжээ, хэмжиглэхүүн
98) Direct-шууд,
99) Encode-кодлох, дугаарлах
100) Development-ололт,дээшлүүлэлт,сайжруулах
101) Essiantial-үндсэн, гол чухал
102) Illustrates-харуулах, дүрслэх, үзүүлэх
103) Assumption – төсөөлөл, таамаглал
104) Pathway – гол зам, маршрут, чиглүүлэгч
105) Various-олон төрлийн, ялгаатай
106) Satisfactory-хангалттай, шаардлага хангасан
107) Per-нэг бүрээс
108) Relocation-шилжүүлэн байрлуулалт
109) Wideband-өргөн зурвас
110) Supply-цахилгаан тэжээл, хангамж, нөөц
111) Complete-төгс, дуусах, бүрэн хаах
112) Offset-шилжүүлэх, зөрөө, алдаа гарах шилжилт
113) Common-ерөнхий, нийтийн, нийгмийн, жийрийн, хамтын
114) Compose-эмхлэх, зохион бичих, зохиох,найруулах, эвлүүлэх
115) Compressed-нягтруулагдсан, шахах


I am very interested in applying for the Telecommunication Engineering and in particular the track Transportation and Planning. I believe my educational background would enable me to make a strong contribution at the University. I mention that I will graduate in year 2011 from a Double Degree Programme between the University .., Mongolia and the University get two master degrees in:
- Telecommunication Engineering from the University school of SICT•
- Radiocommunication Engineering
In my opinion every person must has their own purpose and ideas also the most important one is future plan. I am always agree there If anyone wanna to be satisfy for her or his life and work all of things, they must has their own very strong wish and diligence. I try to be diligent for my own all thing , for example in my school and at my own mind.

I think so the first aim of mine is graduate my school very successfully and I really want to take possession of my profession and all kind of skills. For term of my university during four years the most important responsibility is must learn very well and have to be good student, for this reason I am studying at my university. I always proud of my university and I think so I am really one of the lucky student because my profession is very useful, with future prospects, important , lead of development, the nicest profession I think so… So my studying university is the best university at my hometown.

Our school has really big and true system of study and the best engineers and teachers all teaching at my school so I am happy and I have to study very well from them. If I want to be good telecommunication engineer I need to study well, Studying well is first step and begin my life because How I am studying now it will describe my next steps and my life. If I can take possess good English and other language speaking, writing, listening, read , of course also my profession skills I can get my purpose and future plan. For that reason I am trying and trying…
At future I want to be good skilled engineer for my position so I really wanna to build my life for my own hand, then I hope that I will be perfect at my position. Last one is I really want to do good and new things for my native land Mongolia. There is too many good engineers in Mongolia, they did too much new and wonderful s. Telecommunication is developing very fast now. There are many developed nations in the world for example Japan, USA, Germany, Holland etc… The first one is Japan so my dream is develop my country just like Japan. My dreams come true at future, I hope that…

Because of my one of big dream is studying as my profession in Japan and will study there many adventure so do the best in Mongolia. We are living in one world all people need to learn from each others if I wanna to learn from others I need good skill for understanding in other hand I need good English first because English is an international language then I am learning English also Japanese. I think that I can learn, I have to learn both of them. Language skill is the most necessary indices of specialist telecommunication engineer. If anyone has good skills for language, profession, character, skills work with group he or she can get good position their company or organization. There is a phrase –If you can try you can get everywhere…I agree that phrase cause my is , my future cares from me. So I have good skilled engineer I can do good, nice job. If I will satisfy for my job and I will do what am I want to do work , I will enough salary and kife from my job. If I could be perfect at my job, salary is no problem I think so.

Now is modern, global, free century I am living… maybe every person wants to work in company with comfortable, friendly, has good salary. But it cares from them , in my opinion.
We are in the fast paced world. Our country has changed a lot in recent years. So many big buildings were built and there are plenty of cellular telecommunication operators (i.e. Mobicom, Skytel, G-Mobile and Unitel) and Internet Service providers in Mongolia. Do not get it so offensive. But some kind of jobs like lawyer and jurist are not that useful in Mongolia’s community and outbalanced profession. There are massive numbers of lawyers, but they cannot work on the field that they want. They were supposed to be lawyer, but many of them were become non-professional jobs such as salesman etc. Engineering is most wanted major in our country. So we have the big opportunity and most chance to get a successful well-paid job. This is the main advantage of being engineer of telecommunication. I heard that 70% of students from our university gets job in their field. Therefore, It is obvious that I am going to get a job in Mongolian leading telecommunication and cellular communication companies.
Of course, It requires us plenty of knowledge and skills. We are learning fundamental knowledge of our major. And we’re gaining some experiences in laboratory and practice in service providers.
Among those skills are math, computer, learning, reading and language. On the job, technicians use basic math for such purposes as ordering materials. Algebraic concepts will be useful primarily as background our job, and it will help us to understand the equipment that we work on. Computer skills need to be learnt. In the work place, it is obvious that we will use computerized equipment accessed by keyboard. On the job, computer will be essentially needed to troubleshooting and record keeping. Telecommunication engineers’ logical thinking skills must be good. We must be able to distinguish color-coded wires, cable and circuit packs. Learning skills are also include observational skills. These skills are used to recognize damaged components and problem-solving skills are at the core of the troubleshooting processes such as identifying the problem, determining possible causes, and making necessary repairs. Reading skills are used to read trade journals and technical manuals for installing, programming, and maintaining telecommunications equipment. Our major field is rapidly changing day to day. To keep current in this rapidly changing field after graduation, we can expect to read technical updates in journals and manuals. Of course, the most important skill that we need to gain is language (especially English ). In the work place, technicians will interact with coworkers and may also have customer contract.
I am working hard to develop these skills mentioned above. Because, I want to be skilled telecommunication engineer who provides my country’s network by latest technologies that used by biggest countries in the world like U.S.A, Japan etc. I am going to graduate my university and I can guarantee you that I can be professional engineer. Because I am studying at School of Information and Communication Technology of MUST.


1. First, I see the text
2. I see the title
3. skimming the text
4. I see the how mach paragraphs
5. I read this paragraphs
6. I strive to know the cause
7. I more than more the text
8. I translate new words
9. I write the new words
10. I read the text again
11. I strive to know the key note
12. I read the text again
13. I strive to know the paragraphs key note
14. I read the text
15. I understand this text

Cover letter

Director of company
UB city, Mongolia
Sukhbaatar district

Dear Bolor:

If your organization skilled and experienced telecommunication engineer, I would appreciate the opportunity to discuss your needs and objective with you .I want to enter your company. I graduated from Information and Communication University and GPA 2.8.I am telecommunication engineer. So I am thinking work along the own job. I can develop my professional horizons by seeking new challenges communication system.

In review of your company’s purposes and I am interested your carrier. Futhermore I believe that my experience is perfect with your current requirements. I am able to innovative ideas that take modern communication technology and contribution advances and shift in the company.

I would like collaborate your collective. I’m honesty and self- confident. Therefore I will lead and efficiency work with colleagues. I feel that personal interview is better and will demonstrate my knowledge and abilities. You trust me to my capacity for work. Thank you for your consideration. I looking forward speaking with you soon



Reference letter

Munkhnasan Tumen
Information and Communication University, MUST
Apt 201-3, Bayangol district,
Post box-325, Post office UB-21,
Ulaaanbaatar, Mongolia, 01976

To: ‘’Unitel’’ company

I confirm that I have known Munkhnasan for 3 years. Throughout years of I have seen many advantages of her. She was responsible for our lesson including attend to duty for keep moment.

Munkhnasan has excellent communication skills. She is extremely organized, reliable and willing to do on project that is assigned her. In addition she can work independently. She would be tremendous asset for your company.

She is able to follow through ensure. In characters, she is peaceful, dependable and courteous. She also experience in communication system and developed CPE (Central Processing Environment).

In conclusion, Munkhnasan has my high recommendation. She is good selection. If you have any further question with regard to her background or qualifications, please don’t hesitate to call me.
I’m happy to provide further information if required.


1. What are your long-range goals and objectives?
My short-range goals are study well, know about professional all things and become speak English well.
2. What are your short-range goals and objectives?
My long-range goals are I will best engineer, have good life and wanted to be develop communication system. For this reason I always study about our job’s things.
3. In what ways do you think you can make a contribution to our organization?
I will invent new technology.
4. What have you learned from participation in extra-curricular activities?
I learned for joined work with colleagues. Also I know English conversation.
5. How do you determine or evaluate success?
Everyone can reach the top, just day must do what they can and always try to develop.
Just like this, I will reach the peak.
6. How do you plan to achieve your career goals?
I plan to modern technology so I let go past in our career.
7. What makes a job enjoyable for you?
It always renew at each time so I like my job.
8. Why did you decide to seek a position with this communication organization?
I want to begin my first job whit new technology and in big company.
9. What two or three things would be most important to you in your job?
First of all it is very interesting job. Secondly it is demand job. Finely it has high salary.
10. What do you know about the job?
My job connects all people which each other.
11. How important is communication and interaction with others on your job?
It’s most important on my job. Company has many employers and costumers. So I have to good communicate with people. Also most people sum up person for communication and interaction.
12. Do you prefer to work by yourself or with others?
I prefer to work with others. Because I work with other people, we can do anything and which problem is decided truly ways.


During my last summer vacation I visited Moscow. Moscow has a lot of people and many nice building too. the most interesting thing in Moscow was zoo. I was very surprized that there were mongolia camel and also an elephant. It took about 3 hours to see the whole zoo. So I was so tired. I didn't like the food because Russians usually eat vegetables. Metro was also interesting too. I'm very happy that I traveled around the Russia.
Last year I went to Gobi-Altai. Gobi-Altai is rich with its mining minerals. There is a mountain called "Eej khairhan". And there are a lot of animal shaped rocks around that mountain. Gobi-Altai has both woods and sands too. In Gobi-Altai are many rare species animals like wild camel (Khavtgai). I really liked camel milk. camel milk is used for health.
This year I'm going to visit Bayankhongor province. I heard that there is a spa called Shargaljuut.It's a very interesting spa cause I heard that the both cold and hot spa come out of one hole. And there are a lot of rocks that used for medical treatment for example there is a heart shaped rock and the spa comes out from it. People say that it's good for heart. the most interesting thing is there is a rock chair and if women sit on it their stomach will be treated.

Problems of the Planet

The planet Earth is being scarred.Every day the people of the planet earth are polluting the planet's air, water and land.These are all natural resources that are necessary for our survival on this planet.Yet, we continue to abuse our planet. Our world population is growing out of control.The simple lesson of supply and demand tells us that we will need more resources in order to support the booming population. One of the most important factors in survival is food supply.Without enough food, we will not survive.Unfortunately, our forest ecosystems are paying the price for the food demand.Deforestation is a major problem on our planet.It is something that must be carefully monitored and regulated.
Deforestation is a practice that has been taking place for thousands of years.Human beings have found it necessary to clear out the forests for settlement and cropland.Although there is no evidence as to how much of the planet's forests has been cut down, it is obvious that this valuable ecosystem is declining. Studies estimate that, original forest cover has been reduced by nearly 50 percent..
With the intention of a better understanding of systematically destroyed the various ecosystem by man. I hope this will ad a little understanding about the causes of deforestation and environmental problems causes, economic impact and forest transition theory, industrial era and rates of deforestation, controlling deforestation and forest management.


Your interested official position: telecommunication engineer
1. First name: Tumen Last name: Munkhnasan
2. Birrthday: 11/06/1990
3. Female Male
4. Birth state: Ub
5. Nationality: Mongolia
6. Personal number: uu 90061166
7. Passport number: E 0603170
8. Home address: 16 khoroo 74-16, Bayan-zurh district
9. Phone number: 99642789 88692217
10. Email:
11. Salary scale: 300$
12. Your professional and education
School type School name Entered year Graduated year Professional or education degree
High school 18th school 1997 2007
University Information and Communication 2007 2011 Bachelor degree
13. Your family member(only with live)
who name age Where is he/she work ? Officail position Phone number
father Tumen 65 ‘UBTZ’Co.., ltd engineer 88692789
mum Gaamaa 60 13 school 99278855
brother Nasanbayar 25 ‘Toriin bank’ teller 99292824

About me

Dear teacher Bayarmaa

My name is Munkhnasan. I’m early twenties and tall about 1.6mitres. I have got wavy long hair, oval face and black big eyes. There are four of us, my parents, brother and me. My dad is engineer and mum is teacher. My brother is teller.
I usually wears jeans and shirt. But sometimes I like dress or skirt and high heels.
I’m sociable and friendly as well. Also I’m helpful. On the other hands I tend to be arrogant at times. But I’m hopeful. Because I always you can do it says that. Also my friends and family approbates me.
My hobby is listen to music and read literature books. My favourite book is ’My way’ by Kirsan Ilumjinow. He is president in Halimag. But I didn’t read book on nearly time. I like pop music and don’t like rock. Pop music very nice. It gives me energic for life .When I have freetime, I meets my freinds so we are spend funny time. Also I play basketball. It’s interesting.
Write back to me soon.
Best wishes

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Translation methods

1. I read to translate of text title. Thus make word to word translation.
2. Next I take out by translated word of title content.
3. I read first paragraph.
4. Also I make word to word translation.
5. Next I take out by translated word of sentence content.
6. Need look conjunction, gram subject and predicate while take out of sentence content.
7. Read next paragraph and translate new word thus take out by translated word of sentence content.
8. Next I understand collate with concerned picture translated paragraph.
9. Also read first article until translated article. Because include more intelligible.
10. Thus with advantage memorize new word.
11. Also with possible develop one’s own utterance.
12. Sequent paragraphs translate by likeness with above mentioned.
13. Finish translation as soon as read first article until final article own beginning.
14. Next understand main idea and aim etc of source.
15. Afterwards I happy one’s own wrought of translation by result.

Ажилд шалгаруулж авна

Таныг эвсэг хамт олон сонирхолтой ажил хүлээж байна.
Ажлын байрны нэр: сургалтын мэргэжилтэн
Шаардагдах ур чадвар ба мэргэшил:
• Сургалтын чиглэлээр 2-3 жил ажилласан туршлагатай
• Хүний нөөцийн менежментийн чиглэлийн мэдлэгтэй
• Бичиг баримт боловсруулах, тайлан мэдээ гаргах чадвартай
• Англи хэлний зохих түвшний мэдлэгтэй
• Харилцаа холбоо тогтоох, дүн шинжилгээ хийх
• Багаар ажиллах чадвартай
• Тогтвор суурьшилтай ажиллах
Бүрдүүлэх материал:
• Иргэний үнэмлэхний хуулбар
• Дипломны хуулбар
• Цээж зураг 1%
Долоон болдог” ХХК-ны хүний нөөцийн алба
Харилцах утас: 636464
Waiting for you friendly and interesting work.
Name of office: Profession of training
Required skills and competencies:
• Have on experience 2-3 years with training
• Have a knowledge about stock of human
• Capable of giving an account and information
• Have a knowledge an English in appropriate level
• To establish communication, to do analysis
• Capable of working in feany
• Work constantly
To collect materials:
• Copy of citizen certificate
• Copy of diploma
• Chest photo 1%
Stock of human service “Doloon boldog” CoLTD
Tel: 636464

Vacancy announcement

Deutsche Gesellschaft for Technische Zusammenarbeit (GTZ) is on international cooperation хамтын,ажиллагаа enterprise компани for sustainable development хөгжил with worldwide бүх дэлхийн operations үйл ажиллагаа. It provides viable амьдралд зохицсон, forward урьдаас oriented дорно дахины solutions for political улс төрийн , economic, ecological and social development in a globalised world. GTZ promotes зарлах complex reforms шинэчлэлand change processes. Its corporate objective is to improve people’s living conditions нөхцөл on a sustainable basis.
The GTZ project төсөл investment хөрөнгө оруулалт policy advisory зөвлөх service (IPAS) is looking хайх for a highly motivated and qualified дадлагатай Capacity Development Officer албан хаагч:
Required шаардагдах skills ур чадвар and competencies мэргэшил:
• 5years experience туршлага in program development/ education
• Clear communication харилцааны skills ур чадвар, both written and verbal
• Good command сайтар эзэмшсэн байх of English or German, both written бичгийн and verbal ярианы
• Facilitation дэмжлэг skills, good negotiation яриа хэлэлцээр skills with government засгийн газар agencies товчоо and social нийгмийн олон нийтийн partners
• Excellent organizational зохион байгуулах skills to mobilize элсүүлэх partners from different departments, good networking capacity
• Excellent сайн skills ур чадвар to resolve шийдэх problems тулгамдсан асуудал independently бие даан
• Ability чадвар to manage ажиллаж чадах stakeholder хувьцаа эзэмшигч relationships харилцаа
• Expertise дадлага туршлаг in Microsoft Office particularly ялангуяа Word and Power Point
Deadline хугацаа for, application өргөдөл: 30. January 2010 Applicants хүсэлт гаргагч will be contacted холбоо барих, уулзах by the GTZ office. Please send your application to: GTZ office Ulaanbaatar Naiman Zovkhis Building, Seoul Street-21 P.O.Box 1264 Ulaanbaatar 14251 Tel: 70115340, Fax: 315342 E-mail:

GTZ нь дэлхий нийтийн хөгжлийн үйл ажиллагааг суртчилдаг олон улсын хамтын ажиллагааны компани. Энэ компани хэрэгжүүлж болохуйц глобалчлагдсан дэлхийн улс төр, эдийн засаг, экологи ба нийгмийн хөгжил. ГТЗ нэгдсэн шинэчлэл ба өөрчлөтийн процессийг сурталчилдаг. Энэ корпорацийн зорилго хүмүүсийн амьдралын нөхцөлийг сайжруулах.
GTZ төсөл хөрөнгө оруулалт, улс төрийн бодлогын зөвлөхөөр өндөр дадлага туршлагатай албан хаагч хайж байна.
Ур чадвар ба мэргэшлийн шаардлага:
• 5 жилийн туршлага
• Бичгийн болон ярианы, харилцааны ур чадвартай байх
• Бичгийн болон ярианы Англи, Герман хэл сайтар эзэмшсэн байх
• Ёё
• Тулгамдсан асуудлыг бие даан шийдэх чадвар онц сайн байх
• Хувьцаа эзэмшигчтэй холбоотой ажиллах чадвартай байх
• Microsoft Office дээр ажиллаж чаддаг байх ялангуяа Word ба Power Point
Өргөдөл хүлээн авах хугацаа: 2010- 1-30
Хүсэлт гаргагч GTZ –н албаны өрөөнд уулзана.
Өргөдөл илгээх хаяг: Сөүлийн 21-р гудамж, Улаанбаатар Найман Зовхис байр GTZ албаны өрөө
Утас: 70115340, Факс: 315342

Thursday, December 9, 2010


CV: Students

Name: Tumen Munkhnasan

Address: Bayanzurh district, 16th khoroo, Apt#74-16, Ulaanbaatar Mongolia,

Date of Birth: 11 June 1990

Nationality: Mongolia

Marital Status: Single

2007-2009 “School of Telecommunication and Information technology, MUST”
1997-2007 School “44”

Skills: Computer Literate, particularly Macintosh software
Clean driving licence

At school: Member of “44” basketball
Other: Interest in travel

Referees: Bayarmaa.G
Telecommunication and Information technology, MUST teacher

Wednesday, December 8, 2010


In this context, the Consultative Committee on International Telephone and Telegraph (CCITT), which has since evolved into ITU-T, began working on modernization of the PSTN in the 1970s, but the original ISDN guidelines were not produced until 1984 in CCITT recommendation I.120, and this was far from complete.
ISDN lines come in two varieties, BRI and PRI. BRI consists of two 64 Kbps B (bearer) channels plus one 16 Kbps D (data) channel. In ISDN shorthand the interface is called 2B+D. The D channel carries signaling between the central office switch and terminating equipment, which could be a telephone set, personal computer, video conferencing system, router, or similar device. The B channels are used for so-called bearer services such as voice, data, or video.
Through a process known as bonding, the two channels of a BRI can be tied together to provide 128 Kbps of bandwidth. Most LECs offer BRI as a line-side option from local switches, and most major PBXs support BRI line cards. A special station set is required for ISDN, or as shown in Figure 15-1, ordinary station equipment can be installed behind a terminal adapter (TA).
The objectives of ISDN are
• To provide end-to-end digital connectivity
• To gain the economies of digital transmission, switching, and signaling
• To provide users with direct control over their telecommunications services
• To provide a universal network interface for voice and data
ISDN network architecture is based on ITU-T standards. ISDN standards are formulated on the first three layers of the OSI Model.
In the United States, the two major switch manufacturers, Nortel and Lucent Technologies, developed their own ISDN protocols initially. This first edition was known as NI-1, which defines the most commonly needed set of features for regular telephone service plus several Centrex features. The main objectives of NI-1 are terminal portability and switch interoperability. Switch interoperability enables switches of different manufacture to communicate over SS-7. Unfortunately, these objectives were not all realized because the switches were not completely compatible.
A subsequent version, NI-2, expands on NI-1 by defining the PRI standard and expanding BRI capabilities. In NI-1, some BRI features were proprietary. In NI-2, they are standardized. Features such as D-channel backup and non facility associated signaling are introduced. The current version of ISDN is ISDN 2000.
An NT-2 is an optional terminator connecting between the NT1 and ISDN compatible devices. A terminator that includes both NT1 and NT-2 functions is known as an NT12. The NT-2 allows up to eight devices to share a passive bus.
The D channel can be used for data communications from other devices on the bus. The NT-2, which may be built into a PBX, multiplexer, local area network, or terminal controller, performs the data link and network layer functions.
Equipment that is not BRI compatible is known as TE-2 equipment, and must plug into a TA.
ISDN standards define five points of demarcation:
• R interface is a link between non-ISDN equipment and an ISDN TA.
• S interface connects ISDN terminals to NT-2 and NT12 devices.
• T interface connects NT-2 and NT1 devices.
• U interface connects NT1 and NT12 devices to the public network.
• V interface, located in the ISDN node, separates the line termination equipment from the exchange termination equipment.


Unit 1
Ex15) directing staying flying 5.leaves 6.likes 7.hates

Unit 2
Ex13) 1.who 2.whose 3.who 4.which 5.which
Ex14) 1.who`s 2.whose 3.who`s 4.whose
Ex15) 1.A shark is animal which eats meat.
2.A builder is someone who build flat.
3.A doctor is someone who health people.
4.Washing machine is machine which washes clothes.
5.Camera is machine machine which take a photo.

Unit 3
Ex13) 1.ago 2.for 3.ever 4.never 5.since 6.already 7.yet 8.while 9.when far
Ex14) 1.We haven`t been fishing since last summer.
2.It`s the first time she has eaten Chinese food.
3.How long is it since he went to Naples?
4.We haven`t eaten out for a long time.'
5.He has been to Delhi for 5years.

Unit 4
Ex17) 1.The island was so peaceful that we felt completely relaxed.It was such a peaceful island that we felt completely relaxed.
2.The museum was so amazing that we spent a whole day there.It was such an amazing museum the we spent a whole day there.
3.The hotel was so noisy that I don`t sleep.It was such a noisy hotel that I don`t sleep.
4.The streets were crowded that we missed the appointment.Its were such crowded streets that we missed the appointment.

 Unit 5
Ex7) 1-c 2-a 3-e 4-d 5-b
Ex9) A 1.was looking 2.was 3.were running 4.saw 5.gasped 6.was walking 7.began 8. realise 9.were staring
B 1.was raining 2.was blowing 3.was walking 4.was 5.were 6.heard 7.was getting 8.turned 9.saw
C 1.was working 2.was digging 3.found 4.opened 5.was being
Ex11) 1.sailing 2.enjoying 3.blowing 4.trying 5.making 6.talking 7.crashing 8.sitting 9.helping

Unit 6
Ex7) 1-b 2-c 3-a
Ex8) 1.had already started 2.had shown 3.had been traveling 4.had been typing 5.had saved
6.had been practicing 7.had been looking 8.had left
Ex10) have to, don`t have to, are not allowed to
Ex11) In the museum,you
a.must take photos
b.must buy a guidebook
c.mustn't leave your bags at the door
d.must touch the exhibits
In the hotel,you
a.must disturb the other guests
b.must leave the room by 12:00
c.mustn't tidy your room
d.needn't leave any valuable in the room
Ex13) Hippos are bigger teeth than giraffes.
Hippos are bigger mouth than giraffes.
Hippos are as heavy as giraffes.
Hippos are as long as neck than giraffes.
Hippos are as tall as giraffes.
Hippos are fatter than giraffe
Hippos are run fastless than giraffes.
Hippos are as dangerous as giraffes.

Unit 7
Ex12) 1. Fiona’s eyes were red. She had been crying for 2 hours.
2. Tim felt exhausted. He had been working hard for a week.
3. John was dirty. He had been fixing his car.
4. Ann felt sleepy. She had been watching boring film.
5. Tom was hot and sticky. He had been playing basketball all day.
6. Liz had a headache. She had been working hard.
Ex15) 1. as 2. before 3. until 4. then 5. seconds later 6. as soon as

Unit 8

Ex10) 1. will 2. am going to 3. will 4. am going to 5. will
Ex11)1. After we sit our exams, we’ll go on holiday.
2. correct
3. By the time I retire, I’ll be very rich.
4. If your parents come, give them this letter, please.
5. correct
6. Turn off the lights before you go to bed.
7. Buy me a newspaper when you go out.
Ex13) 1. If I get a promotion, I can buy a car.
2. If I get a promotion, I will go on cruise,
3. If I get a promotion, I will move to a bigger house.
4. If I get a promotion, I may buy some new clothes.
5. If I get a promotion, I will have a party.
Ex14) 1. We may go on a picnic, unless it rains.
2. I’ll build more schools, if I become president.
3. The dog won’t bite you unless you bother it.
4. I won’t go shopping, unless I have time.
5. I’ll buy a new jacket, if I can afford it.
6. I won’t get a promotion, unless I work hard.
Ex15) 1. If I drive through the city, I’ll run into traffic. If I run into traffic, I’ll be late my work. If I late, I won’t get a promotion. Unless I get a promotion, I can’t buy a car.
2. If I don’t study, I won’t pass my exams. Unless I pass my exams, I can’t study at university.

Unit 9

Ex10) 1. The doctor said that he had been seeing patients all morning.
2. The boy said to his mother mum, he had forgot to walk the dog.
3. Craig said to his wife they wouldn’t go out that night.
4. The man said that he was looking for a new job.
5. He said to me he had just finished his homework.
6. The boss said that he need another secretary.
Ex12) 1. “What do you want to eat?” Fred asked me.
2. “My friend is waiting for me” Ann told Frank.
3. “I’ve paid the bill” Mr Jones said.
4. “I haven’t bought a new dress yet” Helen told Janet.
5. “Will you help me with my homework” she asked me.


Fifty years from now, where do you see our medical and health care coming from? I personally believe that by then we will have a great difficulty staying well. With viruses adapting and mutating so that conventional medicines will no longer be effective. Our only chance to overcome these new diseases and plagues will be to constantly advance and update our medical technology.
Life in the future is set to be very exciting. Your next mobile phone is keeping an eye on the house when you are on holiday, you are surfing the net and downloading videos while your kids are lying on the beach or sitting on the train reading their E-book. Later, you are in a restaurant, and after checking your pockets you find out that you have forgotten your wallet. No worries, just pick up that WAP phone and go to your bank's website, insert a few details and transfer some money on to your smartcard. This very same card contains your passport, driving license, benefit book, credit cards, supermarket loyalty card, travel pass, soccer club season ticket, digital TV license, house and car keys, medical records, iris and fingerprint information.

Chapter 15 The Integrated Services Digital Network

The PSTN has taken shape over more than a century of progressive technical advancements. Before the advent of reliable computers, PSTN features were constrained by the limits of relays and wired logic that were complex, inflexible, and expensive to maintain. The first departure from electromechanical switches was Western Electric’s No. 1 ESS, the first of which was installed in 1965. That system had to meet a rigid set of requirements of interoperability with existing systems and the need to preserve investment in outside plant, station equipment, and interoffice trunking. The No. 1 ESS was crude by today’s standards, but it launched a
transition into the intelligent network.
Except for agreements on the use of electromagnetic spectrum, international standards were weak and ineffective in the United States in the mid-20th century. Network transmission and data protocol standards were, to a large degree, dictated by AT&T and IBM, respectively, resulting from their market power. Both companies worked with international bodies to devise mutual standards, but the results were often incompatible. The OSI model is derived from IBM’s SNA, but SNA is a working network architecture, while OSI is not. AT&T, unwilling to wait for international bodies to agree on digital carrier and common channel signaling standards, moved forward with their own standards. SS7 has since replaced AT&T’s common channel interoffice signaling, but the digital hierarchies remained incompatible until SONET/SDH standards brought them together at higher levels.
 In this context, the Consultative Committee on International Telephone and Telegraph (CCITT), which has since evolved into ITU-T, began working on modernization of the PSTN in the 1970s, but the original ISDN guidelines were not produced until 1984 in CCITT recommendation I.120, and this was far from complete. Computers at the time were primitive and costly and 64 Kbps of bandwidth was more than enough for almost any application that was then foreseen. One possible exception was large file transfers, but at that time a 100 MB disk was considered huge. By the time the recommendations matured, data requirements had changed so dramatically that ISDN was largely irrelevant for data.
ISDN was developed to resolve what was then perceived to be deficiencies in the PSTN that hampered both voice and data transmission. One was the need for multiple interfaces depending on the type of service. Service delivery to customer premises was on copper cable pairs and different interfaces were needed for various types of service. ISDN was the only technology at the time that could offer end-to-end digital connectivity, which data needed.
 In the vision of the time, ISDN would breach the transmission speed limits
of the PSTN for connectivity to value-added networks, which were then accessed over low-speed modems. It would provide flexibility for developers to bring new products to market and it promised interoperability between products of different vendors so that any ISDN telephone could operate on any vendor’s switch. For voice users, a separate signaling channel would give the users insights into the nature of incoming calls, even when the line was active. It would enable distinctive treatment of the call, depending on who was calling.
ISDN might have fulfilled its potential if it had reached the market earlier and had been priced attractively and promoted actively, but none of these happened in North America. The standards were slow to develop and when they did, products were not interoperable. Some IXCs used proprietary ISDN protocols to deliver services their customers were requesting. For example, calling number delivery was a desirable service to many call centers. Some IXCs delivered caller ID in-band and others used a proprietary ISDN. Wags joked that the acronym stood for “innovations subscribers don’t need,” or “I still don’t know.”
ISDN requires digital switching. Many of the LECs’ No. 1 ESS switches had to be replaced to offer the service and the LECs did not perceive that the demand existed. For existing digital switches, some LECs were slow to invest in the upgrade to ISDN until they were certain that the demand existed. Many LECs charged such a premium for the service that customers had no incentive to subscribe except for dial-up video conferencing. Perhaps the crowning blow to basicrate ISDN, which is aimed at residences and small businesses, is the availability of  DSL and cable Internet access. In comparison to the speeds available with these services, ISDN is too slow and too costly.
 Primary-rate ISDN is a viable service offering. Where it is priced competitively with analog or non-ISDN digital PBX trunks, PRI offers many advantages and is usually chosen over other alternatives. Trunks can be used interchangeably between incoming, outgoing, and DID, which increases trunk efficiency. The ability to place end-to-end digital calls anywhere in the world is far from assured, however, because of analog local loops.
Several key applications generate demand for ISDN. For business subscribers, ISDN is an effective medium for videoconferencing. ISDN lines are effective for backing up private networks such as frame relay. Where the LEC tariffs are reasonable, ISDN trunking offers key advantages for PBX owners. Another major trend is telecommuting. As more incentives develop for workers to spend at least part of the week working from home, ISDN can be an economical way of retaining a link to the office at reasonable speed, although here also it is losing the battle to IP.

ISDN lines come in two varieties, BRI and PRI. BRI consists of two 64 Kbps B (bearer) channels plus one 16 Kbps D (data) channel. In ISDN shorthand the interface is called 2B+D. The D channel carries signaling between the central office switch and terminating equipment, which could be a telephone set, personal computer, video conferencing system, router, or similar device. The B channels are used for so-called bearer services such as voice, data, or video. Through a process known as bonding, the two channels of a BRI can be tied together to provide 128 Kbps of bandwidth. Most LECs offer BRI as a line-side option from local switches, and most major PBXs support BRI line cards. A special station set is required for ISDN, or as shown in Figure 15-1, ordinary station equipment can be installed behind a terminal adapter (TA). The station equipment can be a telephone set, a card in a key telephone system, a card in a PC, or a direct interface into a Group 4 fax machine or a video codec. Unlike a POTS telephone, an ISDN instrument has intelligence that enables it to perform selected functions in concert with the central office.

A PRI interface is a 24/32 channel T1/E1 circuit with one or two channels reserved for signaling. A PRI can connect to any device designed to be PRI compatible, including PBXs, routers, T1/E1 multiplexers, central office switches, tandem switches, or computers. The equipment can select 64 Kbps channels singly, in pairs, or with some systems, in an N X 64 configuration. N X 64 means contiguous bandwidth equal to N quantity of 64 Kbps channels. For example, 384 Kbps is a popular bandwidth for conference-quality video, and is defined as an HO channel. The LECs provide dial tone over PRIs, and the major IXCs provide direct customer access over PRIs. The separate data channel allows communication between the IXC’s switch and the PBX so channels can be switched at will to outgoing, 800, 900, video, data, or any other such service that can be delivered over T1/E1.
The objectives of ISDN are
_ To provide end-to-end digital connectivity
_ To gain the economies of digital transmission, switching, and signaling
_ To provide users with direct control over their telecommunications services
_ To provide a universal network interface for voice and data

ISDN network architecture is based on ITU-T standards, with standards in the United States largely driven by Telcordia. ISDN standards are formulated on the first three layers of the OSI Model. The standards specify how information is encoded and how supplementary services such as calling features are provided.
In the United States, the two major switch manufacturers, Nortel and Lucent Technologies, developed their own ISDN protocols initially. This first edition was known as NI-1, which defines the most commonly needed set of features for regular telephone service plus several Centrex features. The main objectives of NI-1 are terminal portability and switch interoperability. Terminal portability enables users to move to a new location and have their telephone work without concern about the type of central office system. Switch interoperability enables switches of different manufacture to communicate over SS-7. Unfortunately, these objectives were not all realized because the switches were not completely compatible.
 A subsequent version, NI-2, expands on NI-1 by defining the PRI standard and expanding BRI capabilities. In NI-1, some BRI features were proprietary. In NI-2, they are standardized. Features such as D-channel backup and nonfacility associated signaling are introduced. NFAS permits multiple PRIs to share D channels. The current version of ISDN is ISDN 2000.

BRI Network Terminations
BRI intends to simplify the POTS network interfaces, but it introduces a language and interfaces that can be somewhat bewildering. Figure 15-2 illustrates the interfaces and the equipment designations. In most of the world the LEC provides the interface termination from the local central office, but in the United States the customer must furnish a device known as the network termination 1 (NT1). The NT1 communicates with the central office over a two-wire U interface and provides a four-wire S/T interface toward the customer. The S/T interface provides separate transmit and receive paths for attached devices.
Many devices have the NT1 built in. The NT1 handles physical layer functions,
which include these:
_ Separation of the 144 Kbps line signal into its constituent B and D channels
_ Termination and conversion between two-wire and four-wire interfaces
_ Monitoring of performance and maintenance functions
_ Provision of loop timing
An NT-2 is an optional terminator connecting between the NT1 and ISDN compatible devices. A terminator that includes both NT1 and NT-2 functions is known as an NT12. The NT-2 allows up to eight devices to share a passive bus. Only two of the devices can be active at one time, but any of them can be addressed through the NT-2. The D channel can be used for data communications from other devices on the bus. The protocol provides a method for allowing multiple devices to contend for the signaling channel. The NT-2, which may be built into a PBX, multiplexer, local area network, or terminal controller, performs the data link and network layer functions.
Terminal equipment that is BRI compatible can plug directly into an NT1 interface or across a shared bus. In ISDN terminology compatible equipment is known as TE-1. Equipment that is not BRI compatible is known as TE-2 equipment, and must plug into a TA. TAs are required for non-ISDN voice terminals and equipment with non-ISDN interfaces.
ISDN standards define five points of demarcation:
_ R interface is a link between non-ISDN equipment and an ISDN TA.
_ S interface connects ISDN terminals to NT-2 and NT12 devices.
_ T interface connects NT-2 and NT1 devices.
_ U interface connects NT1 and NT12 devices to the public network.
_ V interface, located in the ISDN node, separates the line termination
equipment from the exchange termination equipment.
 The ISDN access line replaces the local loop of pre-ISDN services. It is a single twisted-pair metallic line with a maximum length of 6500 m. An NT1 and the ISDN switch communicate over a full-duplex connection by using 2B1Q (2 binary, 1 quaternary) signal with echo cancellation. The transmitting power of the fourwire input to the NT1 splits between the line and an equalizing network in the NT1. An electronic filter determines whether a line signal is original data or an echo caused by a mismatch between the line and the network. Echoes are canceled out so only the original signal remains.

Service Profile Identifiers (SPIDs)
SPIDs are an optional feature that identifies the services and features the central office switch provides. SPIDs are configured at device initialization. The SPID format is usually the 10-digit phone number of the ISDN line, plus a four-digit number that identifies features on the line. The SPID varies with LEC, central office equipment type, and generic features the switch supports. The SPID can be the most confusing aspect of ordering a BRI line although some devices are self-configuring.

PRI Network Terminations
ISDN PRI is a standardized architecture for the interface between CPE and the
PSTN. The PRI protocol is in three layers:

_ Layer 1 (DS-1): Electrical, synchronization, and framing
_ Layer 2 (LAPD): Packetization, error detection, and flow control
_ Layer 3 (Q.931): Call control messages

In North America a PRI is 23B+D, while in the European system it is 30B+2D. B channels can be bonded to provide H channels, which provide higher bandwidth. The H channel standards are

_ H0 = 384 Kbps (6 B channels)
_ H10 = 1472 Kbps (23 B channels)
_ H11 = 1536 Kbps (24 B channels)
_ H12 = 1920 Kbps (30 B channels)—International (E1) only

PRI offers features that are valuable to many customers. Depending on the carrier’s service offering, any of the CLASS features discussed in Chapter 12 can be provided. PRI service offers the following advantages compared to using analog trunks:

_ Hardware costs are reduced in the PBX. In most PBXs, a PRI card costs
about the same as an eight-port analog trunk card, and uses one-third
the number of slots.
_ ISDN trunks with their call-by-call service selection provide listed directory number, outgoing, DID, and other services without the need for special trunk groups. Depending on the size of the system, trunk requirements can be reduced substantially.
_ Transmission performance is enhanced. Digital trunks can be operated with no loss and imperceptible noise. By contrast, the loss and noise of analog trunks increase with the distance from the central office.
_ ISDN trunks can be provided over self-healing networks, reducing vulnerability to outage.
_ Trunks can be added up to the capacity of a PRI with no wiring work or hardware additions on the customer’s premises.
 The following is a brief description of some of the more popular features:
_ Call-by-call service selection: Without call by call, a CPE switch must be equipped with multiple specialized trunk groups. For example, separate groups might be required for DID, two-way CO trunks, outgoing local trunks, foreign exchange trunks, toll-free lines, and tie trunks to a distant PBX. With call by call, any B channel can be designated for any purpose. The CPE switch and the central office negotiate the call and select the channel or channels to assign it to.
_ D-channel backup: A B channel can be selected as backup to the D channel to prevent service failure in case the signaling channel fails.
_ Nonfacility associated signaling: NFAS enables multiple PRIs to share one or more D channels.
_ Release link trunk: This feature is similar to antitromboning. If a user on a CPE switch receives a call from the central office and forwards or transfers it to another node on the PSTN, the two switches recognize that connection to the CPE switch is no longer required and drops the trunks.
_ Trunk antitromboning: Tromboning refers to a situation in which two B channels associated with the same D channel are being used in parallel. For example, if a user in a CPE switch receives an incoming call, and conferences on a third party on the PSTN, two B channels are tied up. If the two switches are equipped for antitromboning, they release one of the B channels.
_ Two B-channel transfer: This feature enables a user to transfer two B channels to another termination.
_ Wideband dial-up: This feature permits dialing a connection using multiple B channels.


The primary issues surrounding ISDN are cost and availability. Where the service is both available and cost effective, managers will find little reason not to use it. Cost must be examined closely before reaching a conclusion. Even if the cost is greater than an equivalent number of analog lines, the two-way nature of ISDN
means that fewer trunks will be needed for the same grade of service.
Anyone who is selecting a new PBX, or even a key system, should consider ISDN compatibility. Applications are emerging that require the digital connectivity of ISDN, and as the service becomes common, applications such as these will develop:
_ Video conferencing, primarily desktop devices
_ High-speed access to remote databases such as the various on-line services and Internet
_ High-speed remote access to LANs
_ High-speed image applications such as Group 4 facsimile
_ Second line in the home applications driven by the development of telecommuting
_ Dial backup for routers to restore leased line failures
The same list of applications can also apply to Internet, so to some degree IP and ISDN compete to provide the same services.
Many LECs offer attractive ISDN tariff rates where facilities permit. Note, however, that in many cases only one switching system in a wire center is equipped for ISDN, which means that a line cannot be moved between switches without a number change. Some LECs permit customers to avoid the number change by using number portability. The major IXCs provide PRI as an alternative to the T1/E1 connections over which they offer bulk outgoing and incoming services. With call-by-call service selection the channels can be allotted to any service, which increases utilization and reduces costs.